Appearances in the anime

Here are the appearances the Gigalith line made in the anime. This doesn't include Ash' Boldore/Roggenrola who has another page dedicated to it.


Gigalith's first and main appearance in the anime was in BW054: Ash Versus the Champion!  It was rampaging around in a town. Alder tried to calm it down by offering it an apple, but Gigalith tackled him. When Gigalith charged a second time, Alder tossed it away, and Gigalith landed upside down. They saw that a nail was stuck on its feet, causing Gigalith's rampage. Alder pulled it out and healed Gigalith. Later, Gigalith protected Officer Jenny from a statue falling down on her. At the end, Alder fed Gigalith and Jenny took it back in the wild.

Gigalith's rampage

Gigalith isn't interested by the apple...

The nail stuck in Gigalith's feet

The others appearances Gigalith made were very quick. In BW106 : Strong Strategy Steals the Show ! A Gigalith was used by Kenton during the fourth round of the Unova league against Cameron's Riolu, but it lost. We saw a quick screen of it.

Here is a strong Riolu !

-In the Pokemon Generations episode The Uprising, several Gigalith were used by Team Plasma. One of them was thrown by Brycen's Beartic.

A Gigalith and a Team Plasma grunt

And that's another flight for Gigalith

-A Gigalith also appeared very quickly in Genesect and the Legend Awakened, living in Pokemon Hills. 

-In BW054 : The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck, a Gigalith picture was seen in a photographer's album.

-A Gigalith mask was also seen in BW133 : Capacia Island UFO, where it was found among other Pokemon masks by Meowth. 

-Also, it's not the main anime but I think it counts, a Gigalith appeared in the Mystery Dungeon : Gates to Infinity trailer, blocking the entrance to a cave with other Munna's grunts.


Boldore had several appearances in the anime outside of Ash' one.

-In SM41 : Mounting an Electrifying Charge ! a Boldore was creating obstacles in Charjabug race.

-InSM70 : The Young Flame Strikes Back ! Viren, who wants to buy Kiawe's family's farm to destroy it and build a resort hotel on the land, sent his henchmen with a Boldore to intimidate them as they refuse. Kiawe beat it with its Alolan Marowak.

-In JN50 : Galar Fossils ! Stick'em Together !! Goh catched a Boldore who intimidated Chloe's Eevee in the Wild Area 

Goh's Boldore

-Two Boldore appeared under the ownership of trainers, respectively in BW067 : Cilan Takes Flight ! and SM001 : Alola to New Adventure !

-In SM008 : Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge !, a Boldore was playing in Lillies' garden. 

-In SM015 : Rocking Clawmark Hill !, two Boldore were seen training in Clawmark Hill, one of them against a Vullaby.

-In SM046 : Deceiving Appearances ! , four Boldore were seen at Aether Paradise. They reappeared later with other Boldore in SM096 : Don't Ignore the Small Stufful !

A bunch of Boldore in SM096

-In SM080 : Not Caving Under Pressure !, Ash accidentaly stepped on a Boldore at Mount Lanakila. This angered the Boldore, but Ash and Kiawe managed to escape.

Angry Boldore !

-In SM090 : Securing the Future !, a Boldore was among the Pokemon who showered Necrozma with light to allow it recovering its true form.

-In SM106 : Evolving Research ! Kiawe's Turtonator was quickly seen battling a Boldore on Vast Poni Canyon.

-In SM129 : Battle Royal 151 !, a trainer competed with his Boldore in the Battle Royal preliminary round of the Alola league. It lost to Faba's Alakazam.

-In JN026 : Splash, Dash and Smash for the Crown !, Goh's giant Magikarp trained with a Boldore. It's probably a reference to the one that appears in some trainings in Magikarp Jump.

-A Boldore was seen in the film Secrets of the Jungle.


-In BW034 : Gotta catch a Roggenrola !, fourteen Roggenrola were captured by Team Rocket to power one of their machines. With the help of a fifteenth Roggenrola from their group, they were rescued by Ash and his friends. Later, they appeared in a flashback in BW064 : Explorers of the Hero's Ruins !.

Free them

-In SM70 : The Young Flame Strikes Back ! Viren's henchmen also used a Roggenrola, who was defeated by Kiawe's Alolan Marowak too.

-In BW131 : The Path That Leads to Goodbye !, a Roggenrola appeared in a flashback.

-In BW138 : Go, Go, Gogoat !, a Roggenrola was seen in an unnamed island of the Decolore Islands.

-In SM006 : A Shocking Grocery Run !, four Roggenrola owned by trainers appeared.

-In SM008 : Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge !, there was also a Roggenrola playing in Lillies' garden. 

-In SM090 : Securing the Future !, there were also three trainers' Roggenrola among the Pokemon who showered Necrozma with light to allow it recovering its true form.

-In SM136 : Getting Down to the Ire !,  a trainer's Roggenrola observed the Alola League alongside a Lass and a Youngster.

-A Roggenrola was also seen in the film Secrets of the Jungle.

That's all for the moment ! Gigalith didn't have many appearances, but Boldore and Roggenrola had more, mainly minor ones, particularly in Alola.

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