Ash' Boldore

In the Black and White era of the anime, a Boldore was under the ownership of Ash, who caught it as a Roggenrola. It was his first Rock type. Here is its story.

As a Roggenrola

This Boldore debuted as a Roggenrola, in BW034 : Gotta Catch a Roggenrola ! where it helped Ash and his friends saving the other fourteen Roggenrola of its group from Team Rocket. At the beginning, it escaped and crashed into Cilan's food. Ash battled it with Oshawott and Tepig but lost to it, Roggenrola using a bowl to return one of Oshawott's attack back to sender. Later, when Ash and his friends came investigating a tunnel, they met it again and found Team Rocket catching other Roggenrola to power a cannon. 

Team Rocket's Roggenrola cannon

They saved it from being caught too, but Team Rocket managed to fire a powerful Flash Cannon. They escaped the tunnel and later found Team Rocket in a warehouse were Ash and Roggenrola managed to rescue all the other Roggenrola, then defeated Team Rocket. After healing it at the Pokemon Center, Ash caught Roggenrola after a rematch.

In the next episode (BW035 : Where did you go, Audino ?), some Audino were missing and they managed to find it thanks to Roggenrola's sensitive hearing. It also destroyed the sound wave machine Team Rocket used to control the Audino with Stone Edge.

In BW048 : Battle for the Underground !  Roggenrola was used alongside Tepig and Axew to propel the train cart Ash and his friends were riding, tho escape Team Rocket.

In BW060 : Stopping the Rage of Legends ! Part 2,  Roggenrola, along with other Pokemon from the group, helped rescuing Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus from Team Rocket. It used Flash Cannon repeatedly on Dr. Zager's helicopter, and the combined attacks caused the forcefield prisons to break.

BW061 : Battling the King of Mines !  was the episode where Roggenrola evolved into Boldore. It was the last Pokemon of Ash during his gym battle against Clay and his Excadrill. It resisted to Drill Run then Horn Drill thanks to Sturdy, being damaged at this point of the battle. After that came the moment of the evolution. Boldore blocked another Drill Run with Sturdy and, with its red crystals, informed Ash about its new move, Rock Blast, that managed to knock Excadrill back. Then, with the same method, it informed Ash about another new move, Rock Smash. The battle ended with Boldore and Excadrill both using Rock Smash, and Boldore's attack was the most powerful, defeating Excadrill and allowing Ash to earn the Quake Badge.

Boldore vs Excadrill : it's a win for the rock despite the
type disadvantage !

Victory !

A well deserved hug 

In BW063 : Evolution Exchange Excitement ! Ash, accompanied by Cilan and his Crustle, uses Boldore in a Tag Battle against Bianca's Escavalier and Professor Juniper's Accelgor, both Bugs were newly evolved. It managed hitting the opponents hard with its attacks, before being knocked out by Escavalier and Accelgor's combined Hyper Beam attacks, protecting Crustle. 

In BW083 : Rocking the Virbank Gym ! Part 1, Ash used Boldore in his battle against Roxie. sent in first to face her Koffing. The Poison type Pokemon blocked two of Boldore's attacks and knocked it out with Poison Gas after it endured a Sludge Bomb.

In BW081 : Battling Authority Once Again !, Ash used Boldore in the second round of the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup. It knocked out Geraldo's Reuniclus with Rock Blast and won. It allowed Ash to advance to the semi-finals.

In BW107 : Cameron's Secret Weapon !, Ash used Boldore as his first Pokemon in his league battle against Cameron. It faced his Hydreigon who immediately attacked with Tri-Attack and Dragon Pulse. After missing Rock Blast, Boldore managed to hit Hydreigon with Rock Smash. However, it was defeated by three attacks from Hydreigon which overpowered its Flash Cannon.

In BW123 : Farewell, Unova ! Setting Sail for New Adventures !, it was sent to Professor Oak's lab by Professor Juniper before Ash left for Kanto, touring through the Decolore Islands. Later, it was reunited with Ash and all the Unova team in BW142 : The Dream Continues ! and made its last appearance. When they launched a group attack on Team Rocket, it used Flash Cannon. Later, it posed for a group picture with all of Ash' Pokemon. Finally, it was left at the lab when Ash left for Kalos.

Boldore with Ash and all the rest of his Pokemon

Boldore also appeared in the manga adaptation of Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice.

Through its appearances, Boldore showed its care for others, even risking its own life against Team Rocket. He also has an excitable and friendly personnality, and is quite clever, knowing how to use its ressources to solve various problems. 

The known moves of Boldore through its adventures are : Sandstorm, Flash Cannon, Stone Edge, Rock Blast and Rock Smash.

Apparently, the reason that Boldore never evolved into Gigalith was that Gigalith was very hard to animate.

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