Pokemon GO data

 Gigalith family were added in Pokemon GO with the Trade Evolution update in January 2020.


Max CP : 3650
Stamina : 198
Attack : 226
Defense : 201

Buddy Distance : 3 km

Fast Attacks : Mud Slap, Smack Down
Charged Attacks : Rock Slide, Solar Beam, Superpower, Heavy Slam


Max CP : 2293
Stamina : 172
Attack : 174
Defense : 143

Evolution : Trade or 200 Roggenrola Candies
Buddy Distance : 3 km

Fast Attacks : Mud Slap, Smack Down
Charged Attacks : Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Stone Edge


Max CP : 1362
Stamina : 146
Attack : 121
Defense : 110

Evolution : 50 Roggenrola Candies
Buddy Distance : 3 km
Egg Distance : 5 km

Fast Attacks : Tackle, Smack Down
Charged Attacks : Rock Blast, Stone Edge, Power Gem (legacy)

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