Random facts

 -Gigalith is the only third stage pure Rock type Pokemon.

-Gigalith and Golem lines have similarities : Both Rock Type found in caves of their specific region, have the ability Sturdy, and learn Smack Down, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Stone Edge and Rock Blast by level.

-Each time a Gigalith line member evolves, it gains a leg (2-3-4)

-There are  24 crystals on Gigalith's body, 10 on Boldore's.

-In BW, there is a Hiker on Route 7 that asks to trade his Emolga for a Boldore. In B2W2, this same Hiker, offers you a Gigalith for an Emolga. This Gigallith, contrarily to other in-game traded Pokemon, doesn't have a nickname (the only other who isn't nicknamed is the Ralts given by Diantha in XY). It might be the Boldore of the player of BW that evolved by trade and is given to the B2W2 player by the Hiker who misses his Emolga (even if the OT in the summary is the Hiker and it has a fixed nature) 

-In Gen 6 and 7 games and Pokemon Go, when a shiny Gigalith attacks, its crystals glow with a red light like a normal Gigalith, which makes a  kinda weird color. However, in gen 8, the light is blue.

-Gigalith got two boosts across generations : a +10 in SpDef in gen 6 and the ability Sand Stream in gen 7.

-Despite its Pokedex entries that describes it as capable of firing very powerful blasts of energy, Gigalith has a low Special Attack stat of 60 and is more physically oriented.

-Roggenrola has the lowest base stat total of Rock type Pokemon, tied with Rockruff.

-This one is well known because of the Pokedex entry but I regularly see people who don't know : The holes on Roggenrola's and Boldore's faces are not eyes but ears.

-Gigalith was part of a popular team archetype in VGC 2017 called FAKE PG : it stands for Tapu Fini, Arcanine, Kartana, an Electric type, Porygon2, Gigalith. Porygon 2 was Gigalith's main partner as it supported it with Trick Room.

- In French, the Rock type Z-Move is called " Apocalypse Gigalithique", it has Gigalith name in it.

- On the Spanish official website for Pokemon Black and White, there was an error for a few days that displayed Zorua's Pokedex info instead of Gigalith's

-Gigalith shares its base stat total  (515) with : Aerodactyl, Cryogonal, Eelektross, Lickilicky, Porygon2, Roserade, Tentacruel and Yanmega.

-Boldore shares its base stat total (390) with : Ariados, Gothorita, Graveler (another similarity !), Ledian, Munchlax, Weepinbell and Yanma.

-Roggenrola shares its base stat total (280) with : Arrokuda, Budew, Cottonee, Meditite, Petilil, Rockruff and Slakoth.

Sources :


-An analysis of FAKE PG
